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President’s Note 5/10/2023

This week’s run is the 5km Track Night at Newborough. Please keep an eye on social media for any changes due to severe weather. … Read more

President's Note 28/9/2023

This week’s run is Breed St Netball Courts 5k. Next week’s run is Track Night at Newborough. LAST RUN OF THE WINTER SEASON. This week, we’ve officially hit the 170 members mark. … Read more

President's Note 21/9/2023

A huge thank you to all Harriers who helped this past Sunday at the Victorian Teacher’s Games. This week's Thursday run is the Rangeview Drive / St. Gabrielle’s PS 5km. … Read more

President's Note 14/09/2023

This week’s run is The Avenue 5k. Park on The Avenue, off Morgan Drive Traralgon. The start and finish is at the lake. Next week’s run Rangeview Drive. The Victorian Teacher’s Games on Sunday 17th September at Glengarry is this weekend. … Read more

President's Note 7/9/2023

A reminder about the 2023 Memorial Run, which is scheduled for Sunday 8 October in Morwell. This week's Thursday Night run is from the Club Rooms (Doughnut Course 6km). … Read more

President's Note 31/8/2023

This week’s run is the Swinburne Crescent 6km loop. Park on Swinburne Cres or Columbia Cres. Start and finish on the green path near the rotunda. … Read more

President’s Note 24/8/2023

This week’s Thursday night run is the ASIC 5km. Park behind the ASIC building via Wright Street, across from Traralgon Centre Plaza. … Read more

President’s Note 17/8/2023

Join us this Thursday evening for our club dinner at the Italian Australian Club in Morwell, following the Waterhole Creek 6km run! … Read more

President’s Note 10/8/2023

This week’s run is Riverslea Blvd 5km. Park at the club and run up to the start, or at St Paul's. Start and finish on the path in the green zone (North Fields Park) corner of Cross's & Grubb. … Read more