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President's Note 7/12/2023

Congratulations to all who attended and participated in the King and Queen of the Mountain on Sunday! This week’s Thursday run is Toner’s Lane Morwell 5km. … Read more

President's Note 30/11/2023

This Sunday is the King and Queen of the Mountain. Plus... our famous Harriers Christmas Party is taking place 14 December! … Read more

President's Note 23/11/2023

The Edward Hunter Reserve / Carol and Barry Summersgill Cross Country Championships were once again a hit with the Harriers! … Read more

President's Note 16/11/2023

This week’s special event for Thursday is the Barry & Carol Summersgill Championships at Edward Hunter Reserve Moe. … Read more

President’s Note 9/11/2023

This week: Official opening of the Traralgon to Morwell path, and Harriers tackling 4 Peaks. … Read more

President’s Note 2/11/2023

This week: celebrating our successful community grants applications and gearing up for the challenging Scales Road 5km course! … Read more

President’s Note 26/10/2023

For something different this summer season, to change things up and keep courses interesting, we’ll be running a lot of them in the opposite direction to what they have been traditionally run! … Read more

President’s Note 19/10/2023

Congratulations to all Harriers members who ran this year's Melbourne Marathon! … Read more

President's Note 12/10/2023

We had an amazing day for The Memorial Run 2023. It was truly a special event, and thanks to everyone who contributed and all members who turned up to support the run. … Read more