Thursday Night Runs

Next Thursday Night Run

(route map)
Course Marker
Course Information
Run Information

Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are invited to join the Harriers for our weekly Thursday Night Runs!

If you're new to Harriers, you're entitled to two free nights before registering as a member. Trust us – once you experience our friendly social environment and the buzz that comes from running, you'll want to join!

There are two championship seasons, Summer (October-March) and Winter (April-September). Please refer to the "Next Thursday Night Run" details above and keep an eye on the Harriers facebook and Instagram pages for regular updates.

Summer and Winter Championships

The Traralgon Harriers Athletic Club offer members the opportunity to compete each week for their chance of winning two annual championships, Summer and Winter.

  • Both the Summer and Winter Championship are run over approximately a six-month period.

  • Prizes are awarded for the top 10 athletes with the highest number of points earned during the six month season.

  • Championship Points are awarded after each week's Thursday Night runs.

  • Thursday night run groups are based on each athlete's average 5km run time.

(See table below)





Group 1


Upon arrival

+ 0 mins

Group 2

32 minutes or greater (6:24/km)

5.50 pm

+ 5 minutes

Group 3

26 – 31 minutes (5:12/km - 6:23/km)

6.00 pm

+ 10 minutes

Group 4

21 – 26 minutes (4:12/km - 5:12/km)

6.05 pm

+ 15 minutes

Group 5

Less than 21 minutes (4:12/km)

6.10 pm

+ 20 minutes

  • Runs are self-timed and participants are asked to submit their Thursday Night run time (RT) to the person on duty at the conclusion of their run. This is also a safety measure so we can identify any runners/walkers still on the course.

  • If an athlete chooses to have No Time Recorded (NTR) they are still awarded the lowest points on the night minus 1pt.

  • Run times (RT) are recorded and promoted in the newsletter and the Latrobe Velley Express.

How the points system works

  • Athlete's Run Time (RT) is added to their handicap time (HT) = Total Run Time (TRT)

  • TRT are then ranked in a descending order. (See table below) 

New for Summer 2023/24

  • Members who complete their duty night are awarded 50 points

  • Members who mark a course are awarded a bonus of 20 points

Example below: Thursday Night Results Table


Run Time (RT)

Handicap Time (HT)

Total Run Time (TRT)

Course Marker

Weekly Points

Dale Murphey


+ 20.00



100 pts

Ian Cornthwaite


+ 20:00



99 pts

Andrew Panayiotou


+ 15:00



98 pts

Johnny Rosco


+ 15:00



97 pts

Molly Irvine


+ 20:00



96 pts

Claire Macumber


+ 10:00


+ 20 pts

95 pts

+20 pts


Marieka Reilly


+ 15:00



95 – 1

= 94 pts

Bjorn Luxmann





50 pts

Alysha Duncan





50 pts


Everyone needs to keep in mind that we share the roads with other users. We often have to cross roads so please look, be careful and consider it from a driver and pedestrian perspective when crossing roads. Courses are generally designed so that runners will be running towards oncoming traffic.

Where this is not the case please make every effort to run in a safe position where you are either off the road or visible to traffic. If we are running on roads we ask that people do not wear headphones as it makes people less aware of the traffic around them.

In winter it will be dark so it is very important that you wear visible clothing (white, light colored or reflective) so that motorists can see you.

For Winter Season night runs it's compulsory for all Harriers to wear a reflective vest, which is provided to you as part of your membership. Vests are available to borrow for any new runners/ walkers.

The club also has some head torches available to help with visibility. Purchasing your own head torch is highly recommended and there are a wide range of affordable models available from sporting, hardware and general department stores, as well as online retailers. It's a great investment in your running safety.


Our duty roster is essential to the smooth operation of our Thursday Night events and every runner in the club will be rostered on at some time during the season. The duty roster is listed in the newsletter and on the website.   If you can't attend your duty, please swap with someone else.  There are two people on duty each Thursday night and they are required to start the race, time-keep and record the race results at the finish line. For runs at the club rooms part of duty is to make sure that the rooms are left in a tidy condition.

For those doing duty, please arrive at 5:30pm to the start of the course. The list will be there provided by our Tablet app at around 5:30pm. If the Tablet hasn't arrived, make a note of any early walkers, then check them in when the Tablet arrives. Ideally, you will need to check in all attending members before they set off on course, and enter in their times at the end. One person should be on the list, the other should be on timing.

Set the groups off to start as per the timing schedule table above. It’s your job to call out a five minute warning, 2 minutes, get set and go!

The course marker must inform you of any aspects of the course for safety, and you should also familiarise yourself with the course by viewing the plotaroute map provided online, so you can give directions to runners/ walkers (particularly new ones). Please ensure all new runners/ walkers are made to feel welcome and inform the President, Vice-President or other organiser of their attendance.