August 14th, 2024 President’s Note 14/08/2024

I was reading some very interesting statistics about running recently, which I think are worth sharing and considering. Only 6% of the world’s population run on a regular to semi-regular basis. If you can run 5k, you’re in the top 10% of all runners. The average time for a woman to run 5k is 36:24, for men its 31:18. If you can run 10k you’re in the top 3%. Only 0.01% of the global population complete a marathon in any given year. That’s some rare air, so remember, we’re all in a reasonably exclusive club.


The first committee meeting of the newly elected committee for 2024/25 will be held on 29 August, and I aim to hit the ground running, getting the committee working on making the club even better than it already is. There are always things we can do better, improvements to make, adjustments to the way we do things, and aspect we can make better.


If you as a member of the club have any ideas, suggestions, constructive feedback on how to make the club better, or how we might improve things, please share these in a considerate manner with a committee member, so they can bring it up and we can discuss.


Good ideas and the direction of the club should come from all members, and shouldn’t just be dictated by committee. All members should know my attitude and approach by now, (after 5 years in the gig), and feel comfortable sharing their ideas. Of course, many times, an idea may be floated, but upon further discussion or examination it might be deemed impractical or too difficult to execute. Many ideas are floated that have been discussed multiple times over the years, and there is no point trying to reinvent the wheel.


It’s also important to remember that ideas and suggestions take time, energy and people to actually make them happen, so someone may have a great idea, but they might need to actually step up and action it to make it happen.


Please remember your club vests. We only have 8 weeks left of the winter season (and then track night, before we enter another summer season). If you forget you own vest and borrow one, please return it. Any new members who haven’t been issued a vest see me or ask the members on duty.


Club member Shane Gavin is doing the fire fighter stair climb up Crown Metropol in early September, raising funds for Lifeline, the Peter Mac Cancer Foundation and the 000Foundation. This week he will be running at Harriers in his full fire fighting structure gear, as part of his training, and to raise awareness. (He won’t have a club vest on, but his gear is HiVis and has a light on his helmet, so we’ve made an exception). Make sure you cheer Shane on and ask him about donating if you feel you can.


Ann has received the order of club hoodies, and handed out most of those ordered. She has a few spare, so if you’re interested, ask about what sizes she has left.


The new club running singlets have arrived and will be available to purchase soon. Ann will be responsible for managing them. Like everything in life, there has been a price increase, with each unit costing the club $55, which will be the cost to non-members. Continuing the policy of supporting and giving back to members, the cost to members will be $40, which is a great subsidized rate, and yet another benefit of membership.


Most members love hearing about other member’s (and friends) individual achievements and adventures in running outside the club. Make sure you submit your stories, even if they’re just brief. It’s not just about beating your own drum; your stories are interesting, entertaining and you never know who you’ll be inspiring, so take the time to write and get your articles into the newsletter.


The club newsletter is an important communication medium, and most members use it as a place to get updates, information and share stories. Our NL editors work hard to ensure it’s engaging, informative and relevant. Members enjoy reading of other member’s inspirational journeys, so don’t be shy to share. The editing team, led by Glenn Crawford, spend a lot of time and care putting the NL together, so shoot your articles, thoughts, photos, and running snippets through to [email protected]

IMPORTANT Harriers Dates

29 August Committee Meeting

22 Sept Vic Teacher’s Games Cross Country (Volunteers Please)

20 Oct Memorial Run (RD Phill Mayer)

Date TBC Boolarra (RDs Kaye Livingstone & Molly Irvine)

1 Dec King & Queen of the Mountain (RD Ron Verschuur)


Thought for the fortnight: Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth actually occurs while you’re climbing it!


Phill Mayer – President


Duty Roster Winter 2024

REMEMBER: If you can’t fulfil your allocated duty, the onus is on you to swap with someone.


4 Kylee Earl & Kristine Sapkin

11  Luke Witham & Krissi Creighton

18 Kylie Warner & Ella Warner

25 ANZAC Peter Fairbairn & Sav Mavrofridis


2 Ian Cornthwaite & Owen Notting

9 Shane Gavin & Stacey Podmore

16 Nicholas Telerico & Dave Mann

23 Linda Jones & Timothy Graham

30 Claire Macumber & Meg Macumber


6 Ryan McLeod & Megan Scott

13 Fiona Syme & Des Dalton

20 Collette Hofmann & Ron Verschuur

27 Angelo Gaudiano & Kathleen Kent


4 Michelle Colwell & Kathy Quinn

11 Darrel Cross & Mandy Ellis

18 Mark Fairbairn & Gary Fox

25 Glenn Graham & Bjorn Luxmann


1 Chesney Podmore & Andrew Panayiotou

8 Samantha Riddle & Michelle Sawyer

15 Adrian Sutcliffe & Jason Odlum

22 Paul Rollandin & Angeline Snell

29 Paul Smith & Marieka Reilly


5 Adam Riddle & Shay Lorenz

12 Samantha McGown & Jay McGown

19 Ann Maloney & Anthony Magaldi

26 Catherine Leonard & Karen Graham


3 Geoff Francis & Lea Francis