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President’s Note 18/05/2023

This week’s run is Stockdale Rd 5k. Park and run from the clubrooms. *Remember; soup dinner after the run. … Read more

President's Note 11/05/2023

This week's run is Swinburne Crescent 6k. Phill runs his 50th parkrun. Membership is due for renewal. Can someone help with Marathon spot prizes? … Read more

President's Note 04/05/2023

This week's run is the ASIC 5k. Starts are now in 5 groups to avoid congestion. Callie Cook has been appointed as our new female AV Captain. … Read more

President's Note 27/04/2023

This week’s run is the Netball Court 5k. Membership is now due for renewal. We’re over the 100 member’s mark. … Read more

President’s Note 20/4/2023

This week’s run is the Tennis Court 5k, starting and finishing on Franklin Street. Don't forget to join us afterwards for a club dinner at the Butter Factory! … Read more

President's Note 13/04/2023

Membership is now due for renewal, marathon entry is open, the new website has launched, Springwood this weekend, and more! … Read more

2023/2024 memberships are now due!

Membership is now due for 2023/24 … Read more

President's Note 06/04/2023

Membership is now due for renewal, and we ask everyone to renew (or sign up if you're a newbie to the club) in a timely fashion. This makes management, duty allocation, AV organisation and insurances more easily manageable, and means we don’t have to chase people. … Read more

Thursday night at the Newborough track

Another great night at the track, some speedy times, PBs and fantastic efforts across the board! … Read more